What is Gaslighting?

Nothing is worse than feeling Gaslighted. You walk around feeling confused and you can start wondering if you’re going crazy. Even worse, you start to wonder if someone you love is making you feel this way.

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Jacob Brown
The Dead Bedroom. When the sex stops in your relationship.

The change from a sexually active relationship to a sexless marriage is usually a gradual process. The couple moves from being sexually active, to less active, to infrequent sex, and then to no sex. Until suddenly they realize that it’s been months or years since they’ve had a meaningful sexual connection.

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Sibling conflicts over care of elderly parents

As a psychotherapist specializing in working with seniors, I’m sometimes called into situations where middle aged children are in a pitched battle over how to care for their elderly parents.  Often the kids are so focused on their own conflict, that they can’t see that their intransigence is resulting in their parents not receiving the care they need. 

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