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Statins and Memory Loss

It seems like everybody is worried about memory loss. Older adults get alarmed every time they can’t think of a word or misplace their car keys. Younger adults are worried every time they see their parents struggling for a word.

Its human nature that whenever we’re worried about something that seems to be completely out of our control, we start looking for ways to regain control. For memory loss, the whole nation seems to be searching for the best/worst diet, exercise plan, mental activities, and medications. We all hope that if we somehow do the “right” thing, the dementia curse will skip over our house.

In that line, Statin drugs, prescribed to millions and millions of Americans have taken a lot of heat. It’s long been suspected that they contribute to memory loss. I know people who have gone off their statins, significantly raising their risk of a heart attack, because they’re more frightened of dementia than of coronary artery disease.

But a major recent study has shown that there is NO CONNECTION between statins and memory loss. So, the good news is we can feel better about taking our Lipitor. But the bad news is there’s still no solution for avoiding memory loss.

You can read a quick summary of the study here: